Customer Service – America Vs Zimbabwe! A Real Life Example

Hello people! I hope I find you well.  Many a time I hear customers complaining about poor customer service in Zimbabwean stores or by Zimbabwean firms.  One thing that I have seen happening a lot is that a lot of customers highlight the fact that customer service in developed countries is better.  They tell the [...]

By |2021-07-15T02:00:51+02:00July 27th, 2015|Categories: Customer Services, Opinion|Tags: , , |12 Comments

How to Penetrate the Big Organisations

How are you good people?  I was having a chat with a few marketing managers in Zimbabwe and they told me that there are always opportunities for startups to get consultancy jobs in big organisations.  This is simply because the more established service providers either do not have the resources to provide a full range [...]

Was customer care left in the recession?

Many a time we hear people talking about customer care.  The term is usually mentioned in a scenario were people say that they are providing customer care.  There is a big difference between talking about providing customer care and actually walking the talk.  Let us  start by defining the term 'customer care'. According to Wikipedia, [...]

By |2018-01-11T22:05:47+02:00January 27th, 2015|Categories: Customer Services, Opinion|Tags: |1 Comment
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